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Faculty of Humanities and Theology

Master's Program 'Religion, Ethics, and Politics'


Welcome to the official website of MaREPol!

The Faculty of Humanities and Theology of TU Dortmund University would like to inform you about the background, structure, and goals of our new Master 'Religion, Ethics, and Politcs' (MaREPol). This program is the result of the close cooperation between the different disciplines of the faculty. It is the perfect opportunity to explore the relations between religion, ethics, and politics from an interdisciplinary perspective.

If you are interested in learning more about our study program, our university, and our vibrant campus life, you have come to the right place. On this website you will find all the information you need to successfully apply and enroll in the Master's program, as well as documents and other useful information that will help you before and during your studies. We also provide information about the counseling services at TU Dortmund University and scholarship opportunities in Germany for international students. If you are a foreign national or have earned your degree outside of Germany, be sure to also check with the International Office of the TU Dortmund University for all matters related to your visa and residency status. Here you will find all relevant TU-wide dates, times and deadlines.

We look forward to advising you, providing you with information, and meeting you in Dortmund! Don't hesitate to get in touch with our program director Prof. Dr. Matthias Kortmann or program coordinator Magdalena Franz. Please contact us at the following e-mail address: .


News about the MaREPol and Events at the Faculty of Humanities and Theology


Lunch Talk on the Bundestag Election Campaign in Germany

Invitation to a Lunch Talk to discuss the Germany federal elections on January 29, hosted by Prof Matthias Kortmann.

NEW: The application deadline for winter semester 2025/26 via Uni-Assist has changed.

The application period started in January and will end in May. We look forward to receiving your application for the winter term 2025/2026!

Public Lecturer: Gaza and the Question of Genocide

Invitation to a lecture on Gaza and the Question of Genocide on January 20, held by Prof Omer Bartov (Brown University).

The Application Phase for the MaREPol has started.

We look forward to receiving your application for the summer term 2025!

Interview: Three questions to Prof Matthias Kortmann on the outcome of the US elections

On November 5th the United States have elected a new president. According to the preliminary results Donald Trump has won the election. Matthias…

Erasmus Guest in the Department of Catholic Theology

Dr Barbara Crostini from the Newman Institute in Uppsala (Sweden) will be visiting Dortmund from November 11 to 15 to give several public lectures.

US-Election Breakfast - Talks, Coffee, Analysis

Invitation to an Election Breakfast to discuss the US elections on November 6, hosted by Prof Matthias Kortmann.

Workshop on Literature research and processing

Invitation to a workshop on “Literature research and processing" on October 23 with Matthias Frey.

UA Ruhr offers Action Days against Anti-Semitism and Racism

From October 28 to November 15, numerous events on the topic of ‘Anti-Semitism and Racism’ will take place at the 3 universities of the RA Ruhr and…

Welcome to all our new students!

Students who will start Marepol in October will find here some information about the start of their studies. We look forward to welcoming you soon at…

Public Lecture: Transformation by Disaster? Sociological Perspectives on Social and Climate Change

Invitation to lectures on extreme climate events and their social impacts on September, 2 held by Prof Bernd Sommer and Prof Sara Kipfer.

Philosophical Workshop: Epistemic Reasons, Norms, and Dilemmas

Invitation for online participation in the workshop of a DFG project from September 2 - 4, organized by Prof Eva Schmidt and Dr. Martin Grajner.

Book presentation & Discussion “Why do people discriminate against Jews?” with Jonathan Fox

Invitation to the lecture "Why do people discriminate against Jews? on June 19 2024, held by Prof Jonathan Fox.

Lecture "Nations, Nationalisms, and the Jewish Bible"

Invitation to the 3rd TU Dortmund University Lecture in Jewish Studies and Politics on May 27 2024, held by Jacob L. Wright.

Welcome Events Summer Term 2024

Get your first semester off to a great start by attending Orientation events in March and April.

Guest Lecture by Ahmet T. Kuru

On November 28, 2023 at 14:00 (c.t.), a guest lecture will be given on Kuru's recent book "Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment".

Welcome Event Winter Semester 2023/24

Join us for Orientation Week in October and get your first semester at Marepol off to a great start.

Welcome Event Summer Semester 2023

Join us to start your first semester!