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Faculty of Humanities and Theology

Public Lecture: Transformation by Disaster? Sociological Perspectives on Social and Climate Change

Prof. Dr. Sara Kipfer is organizing a conference with the topic: “Extreme Climate Events and their Impact on Cultural Changes in the Levant from Late Bronze Age to Persian Period”. The opening of the conference will be open to all students and staff and followed by light dinner. You are most kindly invited to join this event!

Introduction to the Conference Topic, Prof. Dr. Sara Kipfer

Opening Lecture, Transformation by Disaster? Sociological Perspectives on Social and Climate Change, Prof. Dr. Bernd Sommer

Where? Rudolf ChaudoirePavillon (South Campus), Baroper Str. 297, 44227 Dortmund

When? Monday, 2 September, 18:00-20:00

Please do register here, so that they know how much food they need to prepare. For more information, see the flyer below.

© Sara Kipfer